Monday, January 3, 2011

Moral Dilemma (Prose Poem)

I make decisions everyday. So I find it hard to understand why some decisions are harder than others. In the end I want to make the right decision, or what everyone deems morally acceptable. But then I ask myself how do I determine the difference between everyone else’s right and wrong, and mine. Who is right, and more importantly, what is right? Today I confront choosing life and death because I must face the consequences for my actions. I think it might be easier to decide my life’s path if it did not involve other life, but this decision applies directly through mine and into another’s. I cannot find reason or resolve in any of the decisions I might make today considering I make them alone. One of the choices will directly lead me to sadness: something I will regret for the rest of my life. The other choice will bring hope, happiness, and more than likely shock. But later in life, I will look at the result of a mistake I made in my past. Again I will regret what I have done. I do not want regret in my life but it seems unavoidable. Still I do not have the will power within me to take life. Especially since I might take the life within me. This decision should not belong to me. I believe it belongs to a higher power. Therefore I make my decision based off of my belief instead of the influences around me. I shall endure the consequences resulting from my actions and choose life. There is sadness in both of my decisions so I choose the one that includes the slightest possibility of happiness. With my result I will learn true love, and regret will hide amongst the shadows of all the mistakes it takes to learn life’s lessons. Because my result will remind me daily of my life lesson with a smile.

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