Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sweet Summer - "Prose Poem"

Oh sweet, sweet, Summer, my love. How I live in this world without love. School now begins, my prison begins as well. Without getting the love and affection from others is a tragic place to be. My heart aches and pounds deeply as I walked around the hallways while seeing people blowing kisses to their love ones. Nine months has passed by, school has ended, and I walked home as usual asking myself, “How come nobody loves me? Maybe its because I am hideous and short?” Well Faith must have brought us together because when I first saw you on the riverside, near the roaring waterfall. And as the bird sang and danced around the flowers upon your foot, you looked, smiled beautifully, and waved at me. Oh how you shine like the stars. “How come no one recognizes such a beautiful girl?” Maybe you had the same thought as me. We began to fall in love. How could love begin like this? We thought to ourselves as we sat under the apple tree holding hands, gazing at the mysterious dark sky and bright stars while making our wish. The wish to be together forever until the apple tree dies.You and I are now together, but we all know “Love will never last forever.” And what we all believe, came true. Two years passed by and the apple tree died alone in the winter. We never saw each other again. “This story is true I tell you,” I told the people in my class, but nobody believes me. “Why would a beautiful girl want to go out with someone that is ugly and short?” they asked. How I waited again for someone like you to shine upon my heart again as I waited deeply in pain, for a sign of joy in this awful forsaken world. Oh sweet, sweet, Summer, my only true love.

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